Sunday, 26 August 2012

Sleepy Sunday

Hi All,

Today is a sleepy Sunday....the sun is shining but i can get motivated to get anything done.What do you guys do to get yourself going?i Will have to move soon as my daughters are off to ride their pony and have a lesson or two.I am their unpaid do love it though.

I have some felty work to be getting on with but my hands are telling me they want to
I am also being drawn to crochet too.....i really want to make a granny square guess i am thinking of the cold winters we get here in Shetland..haha.

I am sitting here smelling the roast dinner in the oven and am really starting to look forward to the winter strange as it sounds.....all those cosy dark nights with nothing to do but craft.As much as i love the warmth of the summer sun i always feel guilty about staying inside and indulging in my latest craft obsession!Sun = outside adventures.....i am always telling my children to go out and make the most of the weather but i do find it hard to take my own advise,all i want to do is sit on my squishy sofa and play[oh ,i mean]with my wool!

Anyway,sitting here writing this is just another delaying tactic to getting of the ever increasing mass called my bottom and getting on with something so i will leave you with a few of my felty pics.......Happy crafting all and speak soon xxx

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Hi Guys,

So sorry it's been a long time since my last blog......i have been really busy at home.My hubby is working away so i am in charge at home[as if i wasn't anyway...haha]and life is hectic!

Well,i didn't get through to the last round of the tv show but i was asked to be the reserve....something i ended up turning down as it would have meant a lot of travel to basically sit in the green room until someone didn't show my opinion it wasn't worth it as who in their right mind wouldn't turn up.A facebook friend of mine got through so i can't wait to see her in action when the show airs sometime towards the end of the year.

I have a confession.....i am becoming a craft supply hoarder....i have no space for much else.I need to invest in some storage solutions.....any idea's you guys have are most welcome but they have to be i have spent far too much on wool.

I have been crafting though...i have actually got a list of commissions to do now....only a few but its a good start.....also my new dragon sold which was a shame as i loved her so much!...The good news is i have a commission to make a new one so tat will be fun fun fun.

Life is on an even keel right now...everything is going well,hubby is working so there is a little money to spend and we are catching up on bills so i feel i can breathe for a little while.

In the next 2 weeks my eldest son will be going back to start his second year at uni and we will be on the countdown to Christmas...Eeeek...believe it or not i have started shopping already,only a few little things[in the sales] but its a good start.I do tend to go a bit crazy about Christmas but i am going to keep calm and carry on with it,its one day and that's need to repeat this often.

Anyway,thats all for now i happy crafting and speak soon xxx